Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Update on Matthew!!

Matthew's adjustment continues to be extraordinary. His integration into our family has been seamless. He continues to be a very happy little boy. His English is incredible and he is already speaking sentences. He rarely uses any Chinese words, except for a few words he knows we continue to understand. Seeing the "first time" things though his eyes is as fulfilling as if he were an infant doing things for the first time. He wakes up very cheery everyday and yells from his room, "Mommy, good molly" (morning)! He has adjusted well to his daycare and happily goes every morning. When I arrive to pick him up, he jumps up and yells to everyone "see you too-mol-low" (tomorrow). We have a deal (or should I say, I bribe him), that if he was a good boy, he gets a tootsie pop. (So far, this bribery is working well for me). Yes, we still have days when Matthew will be naughty, but mostly he is doing things a normal 3 year old boy is doing. Scott and I have created a structured environment and maintain routines and rules that seem to have been key with his adjustment. His constant bubbly personality and smiling face is evidence of his happiness.

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